Philosphy, Theology, Religion, and Social Psychology
The world neurotransmitter philosophy and language Wars
List of Posts
- Female fallopian tube VIOLATIONS create shooting rampages at schools and universities
- The Twelve Tribes of Israel ERRORS cause attack at Sandy Hook elementary school
- Nietzsche explains the SYMBOL LIFE evolution of Superman to Darth Vader
- How to access secret societies using the OPEN command
- Jefferey Fowle --> Flow errror analyst report
- The Unitarian Church math test
- Pope Benedict XVl
- Moliere - ACT II in Manhattan September ll
- Philosophy WAR
- The Anglo-Saxon Reformation
- The Tale of 2 Cities
- The 14th Dalai Lama and carbon 14 isotopes
- Group 9 - IBM base 16 theology
- Group 9 - Theology orginal sin